Hunter Library Celebrates Pride Month

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer (LGBTQ) Pride Month is celebrated in June each year to honor the 1969 Stonewall Uprising in Manhattan. The Stonewall Uprising was a tipping point for the Gay Liberation Movement in the United States. Hunter Library celebrates Pride Month with a variety of resources to celebrate, learn and empower!

From the story of Harvey Milk (2008) to the Academy Award-winning film Moonlight (2016), the library offers feature films and must-watch documentaries that cover the multi-faceted lives of LGBTQIA communities. View the list of streaming movies and documentaries available to all students, staff, and faculty through Hunter Library. Library staff has also created a book display to showcase underrepresented voices in LGBTQIA communities. Be sure to visit the library to learn more.

Check out our featured streaming films here:

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